About Us
The Cornerstone Community Center (CCC) was built in 2000 as the new home of Green Bay Area Youth Hockey, St. Norbert Green Knight Hockey, and the Cornerstone Skating Club. The CCC is privately owned by the Nonprofit Group, Cornerstone Community Center Inc., and an affiliate of Green Bay Area Youth Hockey. The CCC offers programs for Youth Hockey, adult leagues, and instruction. Hockey and skating skill classes and programs are available throughout the year.
General Club Contact: 920-403-2000 Don Chilson (Manager) cornerstoneicecenterdon@gmail.com Mike Szkodzinski cornerstoneicecentermike@gmail.com
Cornerstone Community Center
1640 Fernando Drive
De Pere, WI 54115
Jay Boxer
10 months ago4/19/2024 Chi-Town Shuffle Chicago
5/3/2024 Stampede Minneapolis
5/17/2024 Cheese Cup Green Bay